My life since her...

Jade • 💍12.04.2015 RJH02.03.2018💖 baby#2 due June 2021🥰 baby Girl! 💗 Mom of girls!

So it’s been 7 almost 8 weeks since I had my little girl. I remember the last few days before I had her I was a horrid Bicth. I remember my mom came down because I went into false labor 2 times. I remember screaming and crying when I actually went into labor and screaming bloody murder in my husbands face many times as he was helping me walk around the house.

I remember going to the hospital and getting the trainee who had to go through every little step before letting me through the doors to be check and admitted I remember how relived I was when they told me she was going to be here that day but also sad cuz my doctor had accidentally booked her induction on my grandpas birthday and she was 2 days ahead of her induction date.

I remember the epidural making me feel so much better and how people made it sound so bad but it was actually very calming. I remember not being able to feel the contractions so the nurses latterly had to tell me when to push. I remember my grandpa and husband holding my hands as I pushed her out. I remember that first little cry and hearing your dad say oh my god as soon as you were out and saying she’s so beautiful.

I remember them taking you away because you had some fluid stuck in your lungs god that was the longest hour of my entire life. But I would do it all again in a heart beat you mean so much to me and your daddy and so many more people especially your grate grandpa.

We love you so much never forget it Rylee Jade! 6lbs 10.5 ounces 21inches long and born at 7:41 pm on February 3rd 2018 only pushed for 30 mins then she was here.