is my dog acting up because of the baby?

Katie • 20 yrs old ☀️ Leonardo 10.16.18 👶🏻💙

So I’m 11w2d. I have a 3 year old dog. We’ve had him since he was 2. when we got him he was an amazing dog, very sweet and he was trained very well. ever since I got pregnant, he’s been behaving strangely. He poops and pees inside, when he goes outside he only pees and then drags us back inside (we live in an apartment so we have to walk him), he digs everything out of the trash, eats the trash even when he has food and water, he chews up my pants, if he doesn’t like his water then we have to give him new water before he’ll drink it. he doesn’t listen to me at all anymore, which he used to. he only listens to my fiancé. he was such a good dog before this and idk if the baby is what caused this. I’ve heard he can smell hormones and notices that things have changed, but idk if he knows it’s a baby. does anyone know why he’s been doing this? thank you