Pregnancy brain!! Didn’t believe it til now.

Courtney • Anthony’s Mama! 12/08/2018

I’m only 5 weeks... but lemme tell you this story!!

I couldn’t find my wallet this morning when I was heading out to work, it wasn’t in my purse. I though nothing of it because my husband and I drove down to the beach yesterday and I probably took it out and left it in his car to make room for ours and our dogs water bottles. Right? Ok so I ask him to check his car while I check mine. It’s not it either car. I ask him to check around the house when he gets home. He can’t find it! I’m starting to freak out. I even called the grocery store to see if they found it. Nothing. I’m in full freak out mode. Then later, I’m getting my stuff ready to clock out and leave work and I feel a bulk in the small pocket of my purse.

MY FREAKING WALLET WAS IN THE SMALL POCKET!! I never put my wallet in there!!