LG Surge AFTER PERIOD? Help a girl out?!


I had my period from March 24-28th. I had been testing for ovulation before my period and they were all faint lines, didn’t get a surge at all. Then I test today, the day after my period and it looks like a positive ovulation test? Do I trust this? If so- is this why I can’t get pregnant? My anxiety is killing me and I know I’m freaking out for no reason but what the hell is going on with my body? Anyone have any experience with this or advice?

This second pic I just put them together to show how much darker the one I took today was. And the line showed up pretty quick as well.

I tried googling it but all the examples were of women that had had miscarriages, so it doesn’t really got my situation seeing as I haven’t had one.

We did baby dance yesterday... should I just be baby dancing sooner from now on? Idk help me?! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔