Sorry for the Rant

I went for a walk with one of my neighbors and she told me she was pregnant. I wasn't surprised because I knew she started trying a few months after me. A part of me was mad because she so easily "peed on a stick and got a smiley face. Then got pregnant" I've had two miscarriages in the last six months. I was diagnosed with pcos four years ago. I feel horrible because a part of me wanted her not to be pregnant and have a struggle so I wouldn't feel alone. When we got done our walk I went home and cried. I had to explain to my husband I'm not mad shes pregnant, I'm mad because I'm not. Sorry for the rant but its hard to talk to people when they sneeze and get pregnant. I go to the endocrinologist next month so I'm hoping she can help if not my next step is to see a fertility doctor.