Help! Does she like me??


Okay so I’m 13, and a girl and I like this other girl. Here’s the story:

We are in 8th grade. We are really good, good friends. I don’t want to ruin this by asking here so I want to know should I give up? Her sexual orientation is undetermined but she’s only ever liked guys. She said she might like a girl in the future. So I gave up a while ago, however she’s been showing a lot of “signs” that she might like me. Like she’s been getting really close like physically, she’s not a touchy felly type of person, but she she’s been hugging me more, and touching my shoulder when she’s talking to me. Also one time as a group of friends, this guy asked her “if you had to give oral to any girl in the grade who would it be?” And she said me. She said it was because it would be awkward with anyone else but still. Am I over reading this?