Has anyone's sex life changed since becoming pregnant?


Hello Mama's and Mama's to Be!

This is my 5th pregnancy and I have two kids. My SO has two kids from a previous relationship, too. We miscarried and delivered our baby at home in August 2017. I'm now 3 months pregnant. I had a doctor/ midwife appointment yesterday. I had some bleeding and cramping early on which led to a light bedrest, but I'm doing great now. When my team consulted they concluded that it was safe for me to get back to activities I love like running, working out and sex with my SO. So, this may be TMI, but it's been about 2 months, so when I got home, I was so excited. We made love and it was awesome. But, afterwards he told me that he's not comfortable and it could hurt or even kill the baby. So, I cried but decided I'll get more into fitness and not think about that. My thought is that we're not harming the Baby because baby's protected. But, this is where my life is at the moment...


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