Threatened miscarriage A little tmi I think

Jenna • Live, laugh, and love!

So I started bleeding yesterday after I went to the movies with my mom and grandma and went straight to the hospital because it was bright red blood. The doctor said since I’m early they can’t see anything with an ultrasound so she didn’t order one. She did order labs to test my levels and a urine pregnancy test.

The urine pregnancy test came out negative but my blood levels came back at 27 and anything over 25 means I’m pregnant! So I am definitely pregnant and I gotta call my obgyn Monday to get another lab done to see if my levels doubled or not.

If they did double then I’m still pregnant and if not then I miscarried. This is so nerve wracking and I’ve cried so much because I want this baby so bad!! Even tho it is my third pregnancy.

Could you please say a prayer for me that my levels increase?! 😭🙌🏽 thank you!