
So, i know that birth control is 99% effective when used properly, but my period was supposed to start today according to <a href="">Eve</a> and my pill packet. It didn’t. I’ve been having crazy emotions and cravings lately. I did have my period last month, but today I had a very sudden spell of nausea and near vomiting. I know that some of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy are cravings emotions and morning sickness. I did have unprotected sex with my boyfriend over spring break three weeks ago. This isn’t my first scare but it’s the first with all of the early symptoms. So for those of you who have had pregnancies and pregnancy scares, did the actual pregnancy feel different to you than the scares? I know it’s too early to freak out, but being that 1% that it fails on is one of my worst nightmares. I do want kids but not yet. I’m only 18 and my boyfriend is only 20 and we’re just not ready yet. So what I’m asking is, when you were truly pregnant did you know before taking a test? Like were you more sure than you were with the scares? Please help because I am not ready for a baby yet.