

Okay guys, I’ve been taking the pill for a year+. My insurance messed up and I wasn’t on it for a while, back in early December 2017 I stopped. I got it back in March 2018. I got my period that December and that January (16th-22nd) but did not get it February. I took my pill a few days before I saw my boyfriend and we started off having unprotected sex but used a condom to finish. I know we shouldn’t have but we relied on the pill so much and I guess got too into the moment. That was March 8th to the 18th. Since then I’ve been worried about it. I’ve been peeing more often I think and having cramping like my period (or maybe I’m just paranoid bc I looked up early pregnancy symptoms and that was one of them). But today after I wiped, there was blood. I want to go get checked out after to see if this was a period or something else but I’m concerned. Not sure what’s happening with my body. Thanks guys!