Morning Sickness & Work! What do I do?

Jessica • •12-01-2018• Adley Ann 👶🏼🎀

I’ve only reached week 5 and I’ve already experiencing some major morning sickness. (on and off all day) 🤢

I’m working on getting myself to eat small meals but it is so hard to do when your nauseated. Sometimes the food I eat triggers a rush to the bathroom! So sometimes I really need to convince myself I need to eat. It wouldn’t be such a huge problem if I worked at home or in a private office but unfortunately I don’t have that option.

So what do you mom’s do who are sick and working in a small open office!? It’s too early to tell people what is going on, but so hard to act like you’re not about to throw up everywhere!!! 🙈

Not sure what I’m supposed to do. I was going to make it to week 12 before letting work know, but boy do I have a long road ahead of me!