Soo... were we stalking him and probably got caught.

So, we saw the movie Acrimony, and me and my friend had an adrenaline rush. I had been seeing this guy but we got into it yesterday cause he said I had a attitude and he didn’t text me all day til I talked to him. And he stopped replying. So, we drove by there, saw he wasn’t home. Then we went to iHop, and she was egging me to go back

So we did... he wasn’t there again, and then I see a car pull into apartment. He didn’t see us. But it was him, we walked by and the light was on and the window was open. But prior, the window was not..

Then ANOTHER car pulls up and I thought it was a his roommate/ cousin and IT WAS. My friend went to go look and it might have seen her cause he got out and then stepped back in. We thought he went inside... but he was in the car. So that means he saw us.. walking and standing there. Broooo.. we didn’t know this until after

So now. I never expect a text back because we were out there for a hour looking crazy and fuck because a MOVIE gave us an adrenaline rush...