My best guy friend

I met my current best guy friend through nursing school. We still keep in touch to this day. I miss him everyday.

I’m single and he isn’t. I’m 20 he’s 28. I was his first friend in class. He knows I date around and that I’m a virgin. He told me his problems with his gf and good things too. I care/love as a friend but the thought of something more is behind my head. For sure I know I don’t love him it’s more like a crush with curiosity. He always looks out for me and protected me when I was dating a toxic guy at his age. He senses when I’m down. He literally spoiled me for Christmas.

I feel HORRIBLE feeling this way! He’s got a girlfriend! I have a bad past with guy friends because they fall for me or I fall for them.

He’s the first one to be taken. He even messaged me today asking how I’m doing when he’s in Hawaii on vacation (gf had to stay home). So idk what to do! I know the first step is don’t tell him! Should I just leave the friendship like my other ones?