What’s the weirdest thing a guy has ever asked you to do?

I’ve had a few fucking weirdos asking me to do shit but at the top of the list was some guy and he wanted me to put some tall stilettos on the really long thin heel mind and press it in to the pee hole in his dick so the heel went inside it 😭😭😭so sickening he also used to put straws inside the hole in his cock and ask me to drink the cum from it 😷😷😷😷😷I never did any of this stuff btw hahha also me n my friend was at his house ordering food and he randomly out of know where was like I can suck my own dick if u want to see so we was like erm wtf ok thinking it was a joke when bitchesss our of nowhere his legs flew behind his head like some Olympic gymnast n he did it we screamed so loud lmaooo last time we ever saw him I’m happy to say 💀💀. Curious about what weird stuff other people has been asked to do