Public Proposals/Asking Out

Grey • I cannot escape this app hell. Here for tracking only. Anti-porn. Anti-religion (thanks Eli!). Anti-kink.

I’m watching ‘Everything Sucks!’ and so far I’m kind of hating it?

Anyway, there’s a scene and a kid asks out a girl in a very public way. He makes a video and plays it over the school announcements and then asks her on camera. He’s spoken to her a handful of times and met her a few days ago. Not to mention his generally creepy behaviour around her (recording her talking about her dead mum and then watching the video).

People asking out/proposing in public has been made to look ‘romantic’ in movies in the same way stalking has been romanticised. Disregarding a person’s (usually a woman’s) feelings in order to put them on the spot under the guise of a grand romantic gesture.

Do you think it’s okay to do this? Particularly in the case of people you don't know very well, have expressed obvious disinterest, or exes (as seen in many romcoms)?

Even further, do you think this is a harmful trope that Hollywood should stop pushing?


There’s a video on You Tube about the stalking thing, it’s called ‘stalking for love’ and dismantles the trope that actively perusing and harassing a woman is romantic.

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