A spin off of the Q about the Dentist and CPS


In the following real life scenario (someone that I know), do you feel the doctor was right or justified to call CPS?

Real life scenario:

Mother has a baby. Baby is born at around 7 lbs, but at 5 months old has only reached 12 and a half pounds.

Mom knows it’s an issue. Mom also exclusively breast feeds. Doctor says mom needs to supplement. Mom doesn’t disagree but asked if there are alternatives to commercial formula for her baby. Doctor says no and demands she starts her baby on solid food and formula.

Mom picks up organic formula and goat milk as alternatives to commercial formulas. In the next 2 week baby gains a pound a week.

But because the mom didn’t start solids, the doctor reprimanded her and said if she didn’t comply he’s call CPS.

Mom still didn’t see a need for solids yet, so she said she would be finding a second opinion while continuing to supplement with organic formula and goat milk. Baby was gaining weight well and had no issues with the formula or goat milk. He is otherwise very healthy.

Mom gets surprise visit later that evening from CPS. The case worker said her doctor reported her for medical neglect.

Was the doctor right, or was he wrong here?

For the record, I know this mom very well and for a number of year, and there are not factors to this story that are being left out.

The mom never lost custody. But she had to do was deal with 6 months of home checks, a few court appearances, and mandated weekly weigh ins. She still found a different doctor for her child.