Needing a Break

My son is 7 months old and I am feeling overwhelmed. We are happy and healthy but I really need a break. I stay home with him and he is still nursing every couple hours (he sleeps through the night). We've started solids but he doesn't eat much, I don't want to introduce formula, and he won't take a bottle. 
I have no friends or family where I live. My husband and I just moved a month ago to be even closer to his work so he could be home more, which has helped, but not solved the problem. I wish I lived closer to my mom, I wish I had an option for more family interactions, I wish I didn't feel so alone.
I don't mean a break to run errands or get a pedicure. I need a real break. I need to rest and sleep and be able to breathe for a moment. 
Has anyone gone through something similar or does anyone have any suggestions?