I have to share.. relaxation

Tonicia • Wife. 29. 1st baby due Oct ‘18.

I’ve been feeling sooo sick and miserable. And very cooped up as well.

I took myself to lunch today to try and force myself to eat something and it just wasn’t helping. I did every relief remedy I could and then just sat at the table for 2 hours. Miserable.

I finally decided to give up and go home.

On the way I pulled into a parking lot and decided to look up any more remedies I haven’t thought of.

I’ve used guided meditations to fall asleep for years and can’t believe I didn’t think of using it for this.

These guys are my favorite and after listening to this leaned back in my car.... I feel soooo much better and I feel like I had a bonding experience with my baby I haven’t had yet.

Instead of focusing of how miserable I was feeling and feeling sorry for myself, I now feel energized, relaxed, strong.

My head ache and nausea are suddenly gone!

It may not work miracles for everybody but I figured I would share the link… It’s worth a try if you have some quiet time to yourself. ❤️
