Threatened ab (4w4d) 😭😔


So let me give some important facts:

Average 27 day cycle

Last mp was 03/04

+ LH on 03/18

First positive pregnancy test was 8dpo

“Currently” 4w4d

So, my husband came home on Easter weekend , and we had sex. Everything was fine no pain with that. Well, the following day I started having light/dark brown spotting when I wiped. This lasted two days. I assumed it was just some spotting due to sex (which is generally common). This stopped sometime Monday night.

Fast forward to yesterday (Tuesday). I had decided I was going to take a shower. Right when I was about to take my clothes off I felt blood. You know..the wet gush type feeling you get right when you start your period. I was like OH SHIT 😬. So I immediately looked, and it was darker red blood maybe the size of a half dollar. Not a ton, not bright red, but still more then I should have. So over the night it progressively got worse. “Worse” as in it remained constant, and I had pea sized clots. No cramping, just uncomfortable. Still, not the amount of blood I would expect to see (or have seen patients have).

**took a FRER was BFP. Darkest one I’ve had.

Today I wake up and the bleeding is stronger, and now I have pea to nickel sized clots. Still no cramps or pain. I called my ob (that I use to work for) to get an order for a quant. They went ahead and did a pelvic exam and my cervix were still closed. However, she said with this amount of blood not to get my hopes up (which I wasn’t to begin with).

** took another FRER and got a faint.

With allllllll that said. I have a bicornuate uterus and was holding on to the fact that my cervix were still closed and that maybe it was just the other side of my uterus having a “period”. Even though I mean I’m not stupid I know it’s probably a miscarriage. Ugh.

I got back on Friday for a re-draw, pelvic exam, and a transvag u/s.

I guess basically all I’m curious to know is how many of you have went through all this, and still came out with a healthy pregnancy.