Baby’s born!! 💙


My perfect baby boy Malcolm Zacharias finally made his arrival after being forced out of mommy. Malcolm was due March 29th, but he wasn’t comin on his own and we knew it. My doctor decided to induce me at 7am on the 30th. We arrived at the hospital a little after 6 o’clock, at 9am they checked my cervix and I was at 2cm (what I had been at for 2 weeks). They started pitocin, I was having contractions but nothing consistent and I couldn’t feel any of them. By 6pm I was still only 2cm and my contractions were still inconsistent, they decided to stop the pitocin because after 8-12 hours you can become too saturated from it meaning it’s not going to do its job. They were going to restart the pitocin at 6am the next morning so that I could sleep and have something to eat before my long day the next day. 6am on March 31st, 2018 rolls around and my nurse restarts the pitocin. Around 9am my doctor comes in to check my cervix and he breaks my water. The contractions started rolling in at 1-2min apart after that. At first they were not too uncomfortable, they were pretty bearable. I didn’t plan on getting an epidural because I hate shots and I was terrified of all the risks. By 12:30pm my contractions were starting to get pretty uncomfortable and I figured I was progressing pretty well. Boy was I wrong!! My doctor checked my cervix and I was only at 3-4cm so I decided to go ahead and get the epidural so that I could relax. I got the epidural around 1:45pm, after that I felt so much better but oh man was I feeling the pressure. Around 4:20 I told my nurse I kept feeling pressure like I needed to poop veryyyy bad and she insisted I probably wasn’t super far along (in a very nice way my nurses were absolutely phenomenal.) but she decided to check my cervix, I was at 8cm and while she was checking I progressed to 9cm. She called my doctor to tell him I was going to be ready anytime and he should head to the hospital. My doctor arrived around 5:10 and I was in the stirrups by 5:20, my boyfriend holding one leg, my nurse holding the other, my mom rubbing my head and encouraging me along. I started pushing at 5:25, with one push his head was there, I pushed again and his head was halfway out, one more biiiiiig push and my beautiful boy was born at 5:29pm March 31st, 2018. 7lbs 13oz, 20 and 1/2 inches long. 13.5cm head. 9/10 APGAR score. Minor perineal lacerations. Literally the most amazing feeling of my life, watching my baby’s father bawl as soon as he saw his son was the most ethereal experience ever, I didn’t think I could love my boyfriend anymore than I already did until that moment. Hearing my son cry and having him placed on my chest was so amazing, but very overwhelming. I lost a lot of blood and have very bad anxiety so my heart rate was very high, about 158-164. I was shaking uncontrollably my doctor could barely stitch me up. Although the first night I was very anxious and overwhelmed and terrified of everything that might go wrong, my nurses were so amazing and helpful and never hesitated to answer any questions or help with anything I needed. Going on day 4 and I feel amazing about this mom thing although it’s going way too fast already! I can’t believe this little boy isn’t in my belly anymore and although I wanted him out soooo bad I’m a little sad I won’t be feeling him move from the inside or seeing my doctor and nurses anymore. Well thank you for reading this long post if you did and enjoy these pictures of my beautiful birth experience and baby boy 💙