Scared & Frustrated with a Subchorionic hematoma


Considered high risk since I have PCOS, 36 y/o and had gestational diabetes with my 1st pregnancy almost 16 years ago... My 2nd pregnancy ended in natural misscarage in November of 2017 due to a blighted ovum... Found out I was pregnant at the beginning of March so my doctor ran Beta's which came back strong at 8500 and good compared to my last pregnancy, so my OB sent me for an early scan to confirm and for dating since my cycle is irregular due to PCOS, my scan showed I was 6w &1d with a heartbeat vs based on LMP which was 7w left the scan so happy and excited since I didn't want to get my hopes up after the blighted ovum... then the next day I noticed odd brown discharge so I left a message for my OB as I was a little concerned, but then two days my OB calls to say I have a Subchorionic hemorrhage and no sex, orgasm, lifting and/or exercise other than walking without running... Now I'm feeling scared and frustrated with this as I really wanted to start a yoga class to have a healthier pregnancy and now I'm being told I can't do much or else it's a high chance I'll lose the baby.... Has anyone one else had this experience and care to share how they made to having a healthy baby???