My NIPT, Trisomy 21 story.

Some women probably will not agree with me. That is fine.

I am 22 years old. My doctors office offered me the blood work at 10 weeks pregnant for free, and who would decline? It tested for abnormalities and gives you the gender.

The baby we tried for a year, a year to give my first child a much wanted sibling.

Then the call came in:

I know you are young, but your NIPT test came back at an increased risk of 9:10 for t21. Down syndrome.

My earth shattered that day.

Crumbled, really.

My doctor offered an CVS test which would give my husband and I either a “yes, no”

I got the test done and more waiting.

Then the next dreaded phone call cake to tell me my second son has Down syndrome.

Just because I am young doesn’t mean it wasn’t going to happen to me, that’s the scariest part. I waited for a year to see two pink lines again.

Now I will never do this heartbreak again.

We have decided to terminate since it is best for our family.

If you don’t agree that’s fine. There is not much support on termination for medical reasons on here & wanted to share my story.