VBAC Pregnancy

Meghan • 🇨🇦! 28. married.👨🏻👩🏼👦🏼=2011, 👼🏼=2016, 👶🏼 =2018 & one on the way = 2020. miscarriage mom, young mom, rainbow baby mom, two babies under 2 beginning march 2020! wish me luck!

Guys, I am having a really hard time with conflicting information from my doctor and a midwife I am supposed to be going to meet with next week.

My son was born 7 years ago via emergency c section as I was too small to deliver him. I was in labor 26 hours and only dilated 3 cm.

I’m now 18 weeks and deciding whether to go with an OB or Midwife services as I’ve heard so many good things. I wanted to have a vaginal birth but my doctor says no way. The midwife says it’s fine. I’m worried my scar will tear, but then again it’s been 7 years... I don’t know what to think.

Any moms out there have a VBAC? Help me out :( settle my nerves.