Rude neighbor

So the other night around 9pm my doorbell rings. I’m freaked out and go to see who is at the door at this hour. All I see is someone walking away. So I check my camera and see that it was a women who parked her car in front of my house and then rang the bell. When my dog started barking she motions to someone in the car. Rings the bell once more then leaves and drives away slowly. I’m completely freaked out and think they are casing my house. So I post on our neighborhood app about a suspicious female and also post the picture from my camera. Turns out it was a neighbor on another street coming to complain about our dogs barking and this is what she posted on my post about the incident. Some the other responses are mine but you can tell by reading who is who.

WHAT THE HELL! Like I have video evidence to prove everything I said! It burns me up cuz we actually have two dogs and they only bark if they see a person or animal, and we baby them. I wouldn’t dream of leaving them outside all night! They are members of our family and we spoil them and love them to pieces. I don’t want trouble! So now I have to live with the worry that this person is going to call the cops on us if my dogs ever do bark🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ve never met these neighbors before and I’m not a person that likes confrontation or to be on anyone’s bad side. Its just so fucking upsetting that this is happening!