Not gonna even try... TWW

Sara • TTC my tiny miracle 💕

So, this month I didn’t track as religiously as I usually do. I have a doctors appointment on the 16th and I decided to just let myself enjoy this month and let it just be togetherness instead of “baby dancing.” I took the pressure off both of us because if we end up on Clomid I know it will be a very rigorous schedule and that puts us both on edge. I didn’t check my OPKs and it was nice. But.... now it’s the TWW and of course in my head I’m all, “you didn’t even try this month, everyone says once you quit trying you’ll get pregnant. So of course you totally are! I mean, you even have a doctors appointment coming up and when you go you’re gonna be like... oops, I didn’t need this because I’m pregnant!” 🤦🏼‍♀️ way to not hype yourself up, Sara!