PCOS first clomid cycle 100 mg/ovulation?

Finished clomid 100 mg CD 7. Peak OPK CD 8 with TONS of EGCM. Another peak OPK CD 11 with painful/tender cervix during BD on CD 12. Today, CD 13, more EGCM. Indication of ovulation? I had annovulatory cycles prior to clomid. this is my first clomid cycle and I haven't had a tender cervix/swollen vagina during sex in quite a while. but after experiencing this last night I'm wondering if this is a symptom for me of ovulation. also have some pain that comes and goes in abdomen area today. What do you ladies think? Anyone ever have similar experiences and get BFP on HPT? I'm supposed to start progesterone on CD 16 and then get progesterone blood level checked CD 21. Please comment with experiences. Thanks! baby dust to all!