After seeing my ultrasound yesterday I thought it was only 1 but...


There are two! My doctor called me into his office today to go over the results but said there was no reason to worry. Of course I did anyways because I didn’t expect to hear from him so quickly.

He informed me that there are in fact two babies in there!

However, 1 is measuring quite behind and likely will not be viable.

Twin A is 8w2d exactly like I thought. Heart rate is 176.

Twin B is only 6w3d and heartrate is only 89.

I go back in a week for another ultrasound to check progress but I have already accepted that it is likely there will only be 1.

Has anybody heard of a situation where the smaller one continues to grow, just behind schedule, or eventually catching up?

I’m really just happy that there is 1 that is doing well so far. If the 2nd one does make it, even better, but not the end of the world if it doesn’t.