just need to vent

yall I'm really losing it today.. I'm in the beginning stages of a miscarriage right now.. I just started bleeding and having terrible pain today. my fiancé is going on a weekend trip.. he knows I dont want him to go and what's going on with me but hes still going and leaving me with our daughter while I'm miscarrying.. idk. sounds whiny when I explain it but I just cant stop crying. I need some support. he says he doesnt want to bail on his cousin... but hes okay bailing on me right now.. I just dont know yall.

update : no it's not a work trip, hes had these plans for two weeks but only confirmed yesterday with me but even still I feel like this should take priority. his cousin is outside to pick him up now and I started to have a full on panic attack and he just keeps telling me I'm overreacting.. he just told me I have to quit and left with both me and my daughter crying after him