Husband brag


My husband knows how much I HATED our old couches. We’re newly married college kids. My husband does have a really good job as well as goes to school but we want to save and very rarely use the money he makes for non-needs. So we just made do with what we could find that was in ok condition and affordable, well I’m pregnant and have recently developed a huge germ issue. Like was panicking about having my baby in our apartment because the furniture was just old and gross!! (I know I sounds ridiculous and snobby) WELL Y’ALL my amazing husband found us a NEW sectional for $300 IN THE EXACT COLOR AND STYLE I LOVE! And sold our old stuff for enough to cover the cost of our new couch!!! Seriously the best surprise ever! It gets delivered next week!

(This was our old couch and love seat 😣 in reality the couch is not bad but it was gross and not comfortable AT ALL)