After all the bad... I finally got everything I wished for and more.

Dorothy • 23, January 7th 2018 👶🏻💕 , Fashion major, Wedding planner, Author, Foodie, Crohn's Warrior 🙂

This is more of an appreciation post and I wish I could broadcast what an amazing man I have because he deserves it. He is my best friend, my rock and the best father to our Daughter.

Little back story: I have had the shittiest taste in men. I have a big heart and think I can help people when in reality I can't. I've been in long term relationships where I just stayed thinking it would change. Now I'm no picnic in the park. I have Crohn's disease and a whole lot of medical issues that are hard enough to deal with alone but harder to love someone with them. Let me tell you, falling in love with this man has been the best adventure of my life. He is kind, he is snarky, constantly has me laughing and loves me for all of me (which I thought I would never find) from day 1 he has loved me for all of me. Always taking care of me, making sure I am loved. Always on me about medication and doctors appointments just so I don't feel sick.

Fast forward we had our first daughter January 7th and we're so in love. I had a C-Section and he did anything and everything. I felt so bad but he took such good care of the both of us, even when I got a very painful infection from it for a whole month, he helped in more ways than I could count.

The reason I am writing this is because last week he left work early and my mom came over to watch the baby. I was having severe abdominal pain that I couldn't tolerate any longer. Come to find out it I needed emergency surgery to remove my appendix immediately. I was in the hospital for a week in severe pain with a collapsed lung, missing my family. My body wasn't healing from the surgery that great and he did it all. Took care of the baby all day then came to the hospital and took care of me. He waiting hours upon hours in the waiting rooms and ER, sleeping on couches just to make sure I was okay. I come home and he's still taking care of me and my daughter (since I can't lift anything) I love being a mom and I feel so terrible not being able to do my "mom duties" at the moment and he never makes me feel bad about it. Always makes me feel loved and beautiful and like I'm the best damn mom to walk this earth. Always making me feel sexy, during pregnancy and after. Tells me he loves me a million times a day. We can just sit and hang out with our daughter in the house all day and it's the best day ever. I truly have been blessed with such an amazing man, and I am forever grateful for him. I love that I get to spend my life with this man and make adorable little humans with him 💕