His brother 🙄 EDIT

My husband has been sitting me on the back burner to work for a while now. I talk to him , he says he will change, changes for a day or two.. back to being put after work.

He constantly turns down sex. (He’s also NOT cheating on me. He has no time to cheat on me. No doubt whatsoever he’s not cheating. Just to be clear because that’s where most people go to thinking 🤷🏼‍♀️)

It doesn’t matter when, he will turn down sex. I finally decided to try so hard yesterday. I sexted him while he was working, sent him sexy pictures(that I never ever ever do. Ever) I laid it on real thick how bad I wanted him.

When he got home I got the coldest shoulder. I said “mmm I need you sooo bad” and he said “ah your fine” 😲 what?!

I got really annoyed at him and we really barely talked the rest of the day. This is a common pattern. I come on to him and he turns me down. Constantly. Until you’ve slid out of lingerie into pants and a long sleeve shirt with tears running down your face smearing the make up you just spent 20 minutes putting on to attempt to look sexy for your partner.. you just won’t understand 😭

Well today his brother came over and I was still pretty annoyed at my husband for his crap yesterday. He knew I was annoyed and triedcoming on to me, if I wasn’t childish I should of accepted that he actually wanted sex even if it was pity sex to make me stop being mad 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I was childish and brushed him off. I know. That’s my fault. Anyways,

His brother came over and was sitting on the couch next to me while my husband sat in his recliner glued to the tv. His brother was cracking jokes to me and playfully hitting me, being a pest honestly 😂😂 and my husband didn’t even look at us or even talk to his brother who came over to see him 🙄

Well, we’re going to bed and I only give my husband one kiss where he normally gets 3, he blows up and gets mad at me and has the nerve to say “maybe I would show you some more love if you wasn’t all over ——. I was just sitting there and you’d rather laugh at him and play with him than have sex with me”


What?! Someone was actually interested in talking to me instead of being glued to the TV.. MY BAD for enjoying conversation for once!!!

Needless to say I’m sleeping on the couch and I don’t know how much longer our marriage will be together at this rate 😡


Yes, I’ve asked why he turns me down. “I’m tired” always. But he’s never too tired for a blow job 🤷🏼‍♀️ we can be laying in bed and I’ll try to make a move and he says “na I’m too tired” so then I say “well I thought you’d like a blow job” and then he’s game. Or when he’s horny and I’m not (rare 😂) “just suck it and make me go” 😮 NO?! of a morning “no I’m too tired” when he has days off “no I’m tired” or “no I got stuff to do today”

Had his blood work done , no issues. Perfect clean bill of health.

Four times. Because I didn’t believe the first tests.

And no, he doesn’t make time to cheat. I’m with him every waking minute he’s not at work. And he works with all men, and his job has public cameras online that I can clearly see him working. He comes straight home after work. Eats. Takes a shower. Off to bed.

I even try initiating shower sex “no I gotta get cleaned up and off to bed”