
I’m scared that I won’t ever have a good relationship with my mother-in-law. My husband and I have only been married since September 2017 and she’s always trying to make me miserable or make me look bad in front of my husband.

When I went to visit her over thanksgiving, I spent hundreds on a Michael Kors handbag because I knew she loves brand name things and has a handbag obsession. I got her some of her favorite chocolates and an expensive decor item for her house. She acts fake to my face but as soon as I step outside of the room the whispers would start.

After flying back home, I asked my husband what she was whispering to him and he told me everything (it was pretty rude and completely unwarranted). Every time she calls her son she tells him I’m ugly and he can do sooooo much better in her opinion.

She once told him my parents “know my crappy personality” and married me off to him “the first chance they got because they knew I could never find anyone better than him”...I could go on forever, but the point is she hates me and I did nothing wrong!! I have always tried to be nice to her and still do!!

I still try to be nice to her and call often to check up on her, but she still trash talks me behind my back. I don’t know what to do anymore but it makes me miserable. A big reason why she hates me is because her husband is a rich doctor and my dad isn’t as rich, so she is insisting that I married my husband for their family’s husband is in school full time right now, he doesn’t even have a job...I’M the one financially supporting us currently...and I never asked for a penny. We didn’t even have a wedding...

I always dreamed of having a great relationship with my MIL and I still wish I could fix my relationship with her somehow. Anyone go through MIL issues at the beginning of their marriage that got sorted out after a while? 😭