Getting back with an ex

Well since me and my ex officially cut it off back in November I’ve talked to many new people. I’ve only had sex with one person. What I was missing from my ex was affection. Towards the end of the relationship it felt just like a friendship (no holding hands, kissing). Plus I didn’t feel like a priority: now that was mentally draining. The guys I talked to next had huge red flags (too fucking jealous, controlling, and mind games). I’ve just started texted this new guy and he seems so nice, I can’t stop smiling when I see him, and I’m interested in pursuing. HOWEVER! All of those other assholes made me realize that my ex was a great bf up until that hiccup. He opened doors for me, we respected each other, we could always quietly and kindly discuss our problems with each other. Everyone in my family and his family loved us together. We were relationship goals! But living the single life, I love meeting new guys and getting to know them and seeing they’re interested, the attention is really nice. But there is NOTHING like having that one man who’s all yours that you can grow with. 😍

What should I do?