I hate my sister


So my sister is 5 years older than me I’m 20 she’s 25. And for what seems like forever she’s bossed me around and acted like she’s my mom. If I stay out late like 10:30..my sister is blowing up my phone asking where the fuck I am. One time she called and texted me so much my phone was burning hot. And there were no messages from my parents! I’m like wtf you’re not my mom! And she like threatens to take my phone away and stuff. It’s so annoying! I’m always the one stuck at home cleaning taking care of our 5 year old sister because our parents work. And she’s barely home! And never cleans! She’s so lazy and gross. Leaves her wax with hair everywhere her pads all around. And when she is home she leaves with her fiancé to the store! And my parents ask her to help out around the house but she doesn’t!! And right now she’s like what are we making for dinner and I was like idk I’m going out with my bf and she’s like omg no you’re not. And she starts wagging her finger back and forth in my face and she’s like I’m going to tell dad. Like wtf!!?! I hate her!! Who does she think she is! Not my fault that when she was younger she was always acting like a nun and gets upset when I Can stay out!! I really need to see my bf tonight. I’m so stressed and he already bought movie tickets and she’s going to tell my parents to not let me go. I hate this. And I have been planning on moving out but currently I have like 30 dollars in the bank...it’s hell. She’s nosy af and her and her fiancé are annoying as hell. Im just so done, it adds to my anxiety and I’m so fucking stressed right now.