VBAC stories


hey ladies! I had my first about 10 months ago. I had an emergency c section. up until then I had labored naturally for more than 20 hours. the reason for my section was because my LO was coming out face first (instead of back of head first) and his heart rate was dropping (late decels). I'm really wanting to VBAC with my next (not currently pregnant yet) and possibly do a home birth....but I'm scared it might be too risky (mostly cause my LOs heartrate dropped so much, I'm scared of something like that happening again)..... anyone have any VBAC stories? successful or not. homebirth or facility? thanks!!

edit: I've joined my local ICAN group and I've spoken with several ladies there who've had HBACs. so I know there are midwives who will do them on a case by case basis. I've yet to speak to a midwife but my section was due to a fetal positioning issue (that led to the drop in HR) that is very rare.... something like less than 1% of births have this position, in fact the delivering OB wouldn't stop talking about how she'd heard of this happening but had never seen it...until me. 🙄

I won't easily make this decision. that is why I'm asking others for their experiences and doing a lot of research before getting pregnant again. thanks for all of your input! 😄