My birth story


I had a pretty easy pregnancy for the most part but was very very sick up until I was 26 weeks pregnant and still had occasional vomiting. I ended up losing weight at the beginning and only gained a total of 23lbs my entire pregnancy. I had initially planned to work until Friday, February 9th but had a doctors apt on January 31st and was told I was already dilated 1cm and my cervix was very thin so the doctor asked if I’d like to have my membranes swept the following Wednesday. I told the doctor i wanted to wait because I wanted to keep working until that following Friday but after talking to my husband we decided that we would just go ahead and get it done at my next apt rather than waiting and make Wednesday my last day of work. Tuesday came along, February 6th, and I remember being at work and I had a final visit with my boss as that would be my last week of work. I thought my water might be leaking because I felt wet down there every time I went to the restroom. Anyway, I got through my entire 10 hour shift (38 weeks pregnant) contractions and all and my husband was super concerned that it might actually be my water leaking so he forced me to go to the hospital. So I called the doctor and let him know what was going on and he went ahead and told me to go in where he met me and confirmed my water had not been broken yet but I was dilated to 3cm. I wasn’t in too much pain so we went home and I called my job to let them know I would not be going in to work the next day. And that Tuesday was my last day of work. Wednesday morning comes around and I’m having contractions on and off all day. Since I had initially planned on working that day my doctors appointment wasn’t scheduled until 3:30pm. My husband left work early and we went on a walk at the park and just tried to be active until my apt. When we got to my apt, the doctor checked me and I was now at 4cm dilated so he went ahead and swept my membranes and told me that she would probably be here that night or early morning and to go to the hospital whenever I felt like going in. So my husband and I left the apt and had an early dinner at Olive Garden LOL I wanted a good meal before i wasn’t allowed to eat a single thing. We went and picked up our oldest son and did a couple loads of laundry and got the house in order as we knew we would be having visitors after we came home from the hospital. At around 8pm we decided to head on over to the hospital and I was starting to have contractions a little closer together. We got to the hospital around 830 pm and was unfortunately still at 4cm but when the nurses called the doctor he told them to go ahead and admit me and get pitocin started. After all the paperwork and what not we ended up getting the pitocin started around midnight, February 8th. I also asked for the epidural and the anesthesiologist was up in about 20 minutes. The nurses then let me relax and checked me every couple of hours. The doctor said he would be in early that morning to break my water. He came in about 530am and I was still at 4cm. At that point it had been about 14 hours and no progression even with the pitocin. I started to get a little worried because I did not want to have a c section. Doctor then broke my water and said to expect her between 12-24 hours. I was told I wouldn’t be getting checked anymore unless I requested it due to risk of infection after my water had been broken. Around 9:30-10am I started getting very uncomfortable and hadn’t needed to press the button for more medicine through the epidural until then. I told the nurse I had an urge to poop and I had a ton of pressure. She checked me and I was at 9cm dilated. So in about 4hrs I had progressed from 4cm-9cm and I FREAKED OUT! Instantly started crying and kicked my mom and mother in law out of the room. They knew when it came time to start pushing I only wanted my husband in the room. At that moment, all I wanted was my husbands love. The nurse told me to get mentally prepared as she would be here soon and told me to let herbknow when the pressure got any worse and she would check me again. I was so uncomfortable even with the epidural but I didn’t want to keep calling in the nurse to check me so I just waited it out for another hour. My husband had oldies playing and just kept loving on me and telling me how much he loved me and couldn’t wait to meet our baby girl. I started vomiting and I kept saying how our baby was such a little shit for making me throw up my entire pregnancy lol anyway around 10:45am I couldn’t take the pressure anymore and called the nurse in and I was at 10cm. I was so scared at the moment I can’t even explain it. I had this weird thought in my head my entire pregnancy that I was literally going to die during childbirth. I know, I know, super dramatic. The nurse called the doctor and let him know my progress and told him we would start pushing. Doctor told her since I was a first time mom (my son is technically my stepson) that he thought I’d be pushing for at least 2 hours and to let him know when it was time for him to head to the hospital. Anyway a couple pushes later she told me to stop because she was almost there. She called the doctor back at 11:15am and told him I was doing a great job at pushing and he need to get there ASAP. I want to say he got there about 10 minutes later and my baby girl was born at 11:34M on February 8th, 2018! Weighing in at 7lbs 1oz and measuring 20 3/4 inches. I remember feeling like a warrior and could not believe I had just pushed her out of my vagina lol and looking at her and being in total shock that she was just in my belly. It was such a surreal feeling that you cannot explain until you’ve been through childbirth. Fast forward two months and here we are. She is amazing and growing way too fast. I am totally dreading the day I have to go back to work which thankfully isn’t until July. I am enjoying every second of this little girl. The good the bad and the ugly. Mostly good though. She is amazing!!!