It was a very long 19 hours but I’m so happy to have my little man out and healthy

It was a very long 19 hours but I’m so happy to have my little man out and healthy. I came in to be induced on the 6th and I was at 2cm. They put me on pitocin and by 6:30 I was at a four and they broke my water. He had already had a bowel movement in his water and I was told respiratory would come in during delivery to check on him. I had an epidural at 830 pm. I didn’t have a ton of progress at first. By 9 pm I was only 5cm. By 4am I was at 9cm and we thought he’d be coming by 6/7. Unfortunately, even though I was at 10cm he wasn’t dropped by low enough. By 11 am on the 7th they let the epidural wear off so I could feel to push more. The cord was loosely around his neck but after a lot of pushing he finally arrived at 1:48pm. He was on oxygen temporarily and they did chest X-rays that looked good and blood work is pending. He was a tough little fighter and is progressing well. I can’t wait to hold him again. I’d like to introduce you to Nicholas Macon jr. 8lbs and 10 ounces 20.5 inches long.