twin loss 👼👼


Sadly we lost twins on January 31st 2018 at 12w4d. We went in for an ultrasound and there were no heartbeats at all, the week prior there were two heartbeats and little babies moving around 😢. On February 9th I had a d&c.; My doctor said no sex or ttc until my hcg goes back to normal...and unfortunately that hasn't happened yet. I'm getting so frustrated. I go in for my weekly blood draw Tuesday and I'm praying everything is back to normal finally.I believe I started my first period today so hopefully that's a good sign. I'm working on healing and after 2 1/2 months I just want to be able to have sex with my husband and ttc if we want to. I would love to be blessed with twins again. I have a 9 year old son and an 18 month old son 💙💙

pictures of our dearly missed twin angels 👼👼