Just needing to vent

Madison • Wife, RN, 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻, 🌈Mama 7-16-20

I just need to vent.. I was 9 weeks this past Monday when we found out we were miscarrying... me and my husband stayed in the ER For 7 hours, they listened for a heart beat and did an ultrasound and determined that there wasn’t a baby.. while all of this is going on, my best friend also went into the hospital— to be induced... and honestly I’m crushed. It’s exhausting to try to happy for her when I am absolutely and completely heartbroken.. and she texted me after she gave birth and said “child birth is the worst thing in the world”.. and here I am in severe pain, wondering which clot I pass is the one that my baby was in.. I also posted about my miscarriage on my Facebook Bc I was tired of everyone asking me about it.. then my other best friend posted a status about how I’m trying to steal all the attention from my friend that just had the baby Bc I’m not getting enough attention right now. So I’m just lost, heartbroken, and practically friendless.. and to top it all off, my cousin got pregnant the same time as I did and her baby is doing perfect.. sorry, just needed to complain to someone besides my mom and husband!