My Induction Story

Ariel • Eric Jr 💙 Elijah 💚

Saturday April 7th 2018 I got induced! Went into L&D; at 830am, got hooked up to everything. Prior to the start of labor I was already 3cm and 70% effaced. At 930am they started me on pitocin. I wasn’t in too much pain but I got an epidural at 12:30pm. At about 2pm they checked me and I was only 4cm, my doctor at that point broke my water so things could keep progressing. Close to 5pm I started feeling a lot of pressure down there. I honestly felt as if my epidural wasn’t working. At 5:40pm my nurse checked me because I was complaining about pressure and I was 8cm. I was so emotional and cried because at that point I wanted my son out! I was ready to push! My nurse called my doctor to let her know it was almost go time. By the time my doctor arrived I was 10cm and ready to push! I started pushing at 6:40pm and had a beautiful baby boy at 7:19pm. Almost 10 hours of labor and he was worth it all.