Potty Training Regression


My son is 3 1/2. He had been mostly potty trained for almost a year now. Accidents have been rare for quite some time, until recently. He had at least one accident a day at school (we don’t count if it happens at nap time) and this weekend he peed in his car seat 3 times on short trips.

We have always tried not to be negative (after all they are called accidents for a reason). But lately it’s as if he doesn’t care or is almost doing it on purpose sometimes as a bit of a power struggle. He often gives you a hard time when you ask him to go, and he hates going in public even though we have a seat with us.

He is also the oldest in his class (moving up soon) and we think the younger kids might be having an influence. Some are still in diapers.

Any thoughts? TIA!