Could labor be soon? Hours, days, weeks away?


Since 8:00 pm last night I have been having very irregular menstrual like cramps. Coming and going anywhere from 5 minutes apart to 20 minutes. Also had a steady dull lower back pain the whole time. Went to bed and didn’t have any issues through the night. Woke up today and cramps and back pain are back (little more painful then last night) but still very irregular. I’m 37+2 weeks. I was SUPER tired all day yesterday which is out of the norm for me and also had a couple loose stools. Lost parts of mucus plug last week. Also could feel little miss very very low last night, she was playing with her hands down there and it felt like she was about to poke a hand out and wave hi! 😂 I’m getting so impatient and tend to overthink symptoms, but feel like something is going on this time, even if labor is still a couple days away. 😕