My Crazy Story


Sorry this is a long one!! So on Friday 4/6 when I was 39+6 I had my last prenatal appointment. Everything went great. I was 3 cm dilated and we scheduled an induction for the following Friday in case I didn’t go into labor on my own before then. This was in the afternoon between 2-3 pm. I was so excited!! I updated everyone that had wanted to know what was going on and we were all super excited together. Well at 12:15 am I had my first contraction. I was distracted by my toddler and almost didn’t realize what was going on. 20 minutes later exactly I had another one. I’m really excited all over again at this point because something is finally happening. After all the long weeks of waiting and trying not to think every little twinge could be something, now it really was. So I downloaded a contraction counter. You guys, I never even got to use it!! In the space of 3 short hours my contractions went from 20 minutes apart to minutes apart. It was going really fast and the pain was really intense and making it hard for me to focus on anything else. I finally woke up my husband around 3:30 am because I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. I wasn’t thinking straight and he kept asking if we needed to go to the hospital. I kept saying I didn’t know what to do and I don’t know. I finally called them and they told me to come in. So my husband wakes up his mom and we give her our daughter. I manage to put some pants on because it’s freezing outside and grab my sweater and we go. No hospital bag, no plans, no nothing. I couldn’t focus on anything beyond each contraction and the pain that came with it. We get to the hospital in less than 10 minutes and it’s now about 4:10 in the morning. Normally the roads we have to take to get to the hospital are crawling with cops. We didn’t see a single one and only hit one light red. Someone in the universe was looking out for me. Once we get to the hospital is where things pick up and get really crazy. We make it up to L&D; and there is a gaggle of nurses waiting for us to get there. We get immediately taken to a room and I get on the bed. There’s a few nurses in the room but only one is demanding my attention so I focus only on her. She’s trying to help me breathe and focus and get myself in control during contractions because I was losing it at this point. She gets my name and checks to see where I’m at. She told me I was already at 9 cm and my water bag was bulging!! I freaked out a little because I really really really wanted to get an epidural. That was the only thing I had planned on getting to have. So the awesome nurse says she will see what we can do. I’m in so much pain at this point I’m pretty much hyperventilating. This amazing woman was helping me focus and breathe as much as I was able to and work on getting more air for the baby. She was helping me find what little control I could manage when I had none left. The anesthesiologist finally made it to my room after what felt like a lifetime. I get into position and he does his thing and we get the epidural. Now all I had to do was lay back down on my back. I had been feeling a little bit of pressure and I was moving from my side to fully lay on my back my water exploded. It didn’t just break, it exploded and went everywhere!!!! Sadly for me the epidural hasn’t even kicked in yet so I felt everything. The little control I had at this point completely vanished. I could feel his head right there trying to come out and I was screaming that I had to push. I don’t know how but they managed to get me fully on my back and get my legs in the stirrups. The angel woman that was my nurse was still right by my side trying to help me breathe and find any shred of control I possibly could. I don’t know how, but she helped me get myself together enough to push 4 times. 4 excruciatingly painful pushes. The last one, I gathered every ounce of strength I had left in me and pushed him out. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I’m also pretty sure every single person in the hospital knew I was having baby. I had no idea I was capable of screaming like that or making such animalistic noises. There were a few F bombs dropped mid screams as well. The immediate feeling of relief once my baby was completely out was indescribable. They put him on my stomach and he was blue because I wasn’t able to breathe enough, but within a minute he was glowing pink and crying. That was a huge relief. Of course like 2 minutes after my son is born, the epidural kicks in and starts working. Seriously unfair!! The only good thing is that it made everything else go by quickly and I was only uncomfortable and not in crazy pain anymore. The placenta was delivered and I was checked for tears and they pushed on my stomach to get anything else out that needed to be. I had no tears even after one of my sons shoulders got a little stuck. The doctor was able to do a quick little scoop like motion to get that moving so it was like it never happened. So at 4:59 am on his due date April 7th, my son Kai made his dramatic entrance to this world. He was 7 lbs 6 oz and 20 in long. This was hands down the most intense, craziest, painful, emotion, vulnerable moment in my life. 2 days later and I’m still trying to process everything that happened. We are home now and we are all adjusting to life with a newborn again. I must say that I am proud of myself. I have never wanted to have a natural birth, but now I have and I have definitely earned some bragging rights from this one lol. I get to come away from this experience a stronger person than I ever knew I could be with a crazy birth story along with my beautiful son. Thank you to anyone who made it this far. Again I’m sorry it is so long. I just really wanted to remember the details and to share my experience in the hope that it will help someone else as reading others experiences helped me. Now here is a picture of my beautiful baby boy!!

And here is Scarlett as happy as can be holding her new brother Kai.

Little milk monster 😍