Should the State of Michigan continue to provide free bottled water to Flint residents despite water test results?


Michigan's Governor Snyder announced that the state of Michigan will stop providing free bottled water to Flint residents due to results of lead and copper testing in the water. Per NBC  News Snyder said "'scientific data now proves the water system is stable and the need for bottled water has ended,' Snyder said in a statement, adding that state taxpayers have given more than $350 million to the struggling city, in addition to $100 million from the federal government. "

" The city's water has tested below the federal lead and copper limit of 15 parts per billion (ppb) for about two years, state officials said. Levels of 4 ppb were recorded in Flint during the first three months of 2018." (NBC News)

However, there's still much distrust from many of Flint's residents. Flint's Mayor Karen Weaver wrote a letter to state officials stating that free water should be provided "until the last known lead-tainted pipe has been replaced."

At least 18,000 homes were affected by lead-tainted pipes, just over 6,300 homes' pipes have been replaced.

Should the State continue to provide free bottled water to the residents of Flint, despite the test results of the water?