af three days late. wait with me!!

I've never made one of these posts before but I am going through some stuff and need company to wait with me!! so if you are going through the same thing please comment and stay with me and let us know how it goes!

my period was due Sunday and it's Wednesday so I'm three days late. my cycles are pretty regular I'm a day early sometimes maybe a day late and only one other time have I been three days late but Aunt Flow came that day. it's the end of day three and nothing. some mild bearly noticable cramps staying toward the left side almost like into my hip/back. and lots of (tmi read at your own discretion) wet white and thin cervicle mucus. my boobs hurt on the sides mostly. I noticed they look bigger but they don't feel as full as they usually do before af. I took a test after work this evening and a bfn of course but a line did appear later and yeah I know it's an evap line but it sure looks nice lol.