Best Surprise Ever

Kyra • Mom to an angel 👼🏻 Everlee 9/11/2018 (39w+2d loss) & Rainbow 🌈 Gracelyn 9/16/2019 (34w preemie)

So yesterday was my dads birthday... & I received a call about my gender results from the panorama test ❤️ the results came back low risk and we’re having a BABY GIRL!!! 💜💖 I’m so happy. My dad was over the moon. He said “best birthday present ever! This will be a day to remember always. I got to find out what my first grandbaby is going to be on my birthday. Couldn’t be better timing” 💜😭

My mom just cried she was so happy, she was hoping for a boy. But she was just as ecstatic to find out what were having. I literally couldn’t contain my excitement I went out and bought my baby girl a couple outfits xD I love you baby girl, can’t wait to meet you in September. My little Everlee Mae. 💖💜