Ovulating twice or....?! Please help!

Marina • Mother to beautiful baby boy. 🌈👶🏼

So, my cycles are usually 35-36 days, ovulating on day 20 or 21. At least they were before the miscarriage, after the miscarriage I didn’t start my period for about 3 months and the only reason I did was because my doctor put me on Provera, and I’m pretty sure I skipped it last cycle due to stress, so that’s why i haven’t ovulated but 1 (2 now) times.

Well I decided since my cycles are so off I would just start using my OPK’s at CD 14 just randomly well I took the test 4/8/18 and it was damn near positive then later in the day it was positive. I was confused but excited to be ovulating earlier than usual but I got kind of suspicious and so did my husband so we bought the FR ovulation tests, everything was good I got 3 days worth of positives - more than usual for me - but I got a negative last night on both the cheapies and FR but this morning I took another just to be sure and the FR is Positive and the cheapie negative....

So now I’m just lost on which one to go off and confused on why I have so many positives when I usually get positives for 24 hours maybe sometimes not even that long? Can anyone offer an opinion?? My miscarriage had thrown everything off!! Am I’m ovulating twice? Should I go off the FR vs the cheap one? Anything will help Please and Thank you!