Fibroid help


Really hoping for some help here ladies. I’m getting conflicting info from my OB and midwife (even though they’re in the same practice).

I have a 7cm fibroid and recently had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. We’re waiting on the genetic screen before we’ll be able to know if the fibroid contributed to the miscarriage or not.

As back story, my previous OB suspected I had either fibroids or endo and let me know it might be tough for me to conceive, but we were shocked and thrilled when we conceived during our first month trying.

My midwife does not want me trying again until the fibroid is gone, either by shrinking naturally or through surgery.

My OB has recommended trying after my first cycle, as it didn’t look like the fibroid caused us any issues conceiving, the likelihood that a genetic abnormality caused our mc is higher than the fibroid, and the surgery carries significant risks.

I currently agree with my OB and want to start trying as soon as possible, but fell down a google hole of recurrent miscarriages caused by fibroids. Does anyone have any experience with fibroids and either miscarriages or full term pregnancies?
