Infertility at 21

Dealing with infertility is horrible and hard no matter where you are in life, but dealing with t at 21 is infuriatingly hopeless. Every dr tells me the same thing. “Just keep trying.” “It will happen.” Come back after you have been trying for X amount of time.” I have recently discovered I have cysts on my ovaries, but because of my age, nobody take me seriously.

I finally broke down, called a clinic near me I have not been to and just cried, begging the operator to get me an appointment with someone who I’ll just LISTEN! I feel like because I am 21 dr.’s brush it off and say “you’re young and healthy. It will happen” instead of saying “you shouldn’t be having issues at this age.”

I am getting more and more hopeless as time goes on. I see everyone in here getting pregnant and I just get so depressed because it’s not me. I saw 3 pregnant women at the store a few months ago, and I just left and cried in my car for 20 mins uncontrollably. I keep teller bag myself “this is the month!” But, it never is. How do I keep going on when all I want in the world is a baby?? Every time I take a pregnancy test and it comes out negative I lose a little bit more hope.