Mind is going CRAZY!


Alright I have been relatively normal/not overthinking much this pregnancy so far. I’ll be 22 weeks on Sunday but havent had the anatomy scan/second ultrasound yet. Will have it this coming week.

I am FREAKING out that something is wrong with baby. Had the chromosome/genetic testing a month ago and all was well/no concerns (I realize you can have false negatives and positives) but ever since Ive been able to feel the baby move/poke, Ive become incredibly concerned about he/she. Ive taken a handful of pretty warm bubbles baths this past month only to find out they’re NOT good/risky for baby and could disrupt growth so of course now I’m extra concerned Ive broken my unborn child. Someone please put my ridiculous mind at ease, 🙏🏼🙏🏼